
The website is being set up and maintained as a research project at the Hannah Arendt Institute for Totalitarianism Studies.
Hannah Arendt Institute for Totalitarianism Studies e. V.
at the Technical University of Dresden
01062 Dresden
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Fax: + 49 (0)351 463 36079
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Register number: VR 2721
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Prof. Dr. Thomas Lindenberger
(address see above)
Contact person for operations
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(address see above)
Privacy Commissioner
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(address see above)
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Board of Trustees of the HAIT
Chair: Saxon State Ministry for Science, Culture and Tourism
Wigardstraße 17, 01097 Dresden
Phone number: + 49 (0) 351 564-0
Management: PD Dr. habil. Steffen Kailitz
Data visualisation/programming lead: Nicole Husemann (E-Mail:
Research assistance (at various points in time): Natalia Bachmann, Maximilian von Boehm-Bezing, Naomi
Braun, Tobias Genswein, Dora Gergis, Nicole Husemann, Luisa Meier, Katharina Mette, Ines Meyer, Priscilla
Pirschle, Paula Schrank, Malina Witzenrath
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Copyright and Licensing Information for Va-PoReg Project Materials
For materials associated with the Varieties of Political Regimes (Va-PoReg) project hosted by the Hannah Arendt Institute for Totalitarianism Studies at the TU Dresden, the Institute extends its commitment to educational access and academic engagement. These materials, encompassing a range of texts, images, and graphics specific to the study of political regimes, are offered under copyright with allowances for academic and non-commercial use. Scholars, students, and researchers are invited to print out, download, and, most importantly, cite these materials in their own scholarly work, adhering to the norms of academic citation.
Moreover, the project's data and visualizations are accessible under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license. This provision facilitates the use, distribution, and reproduction of these resources in any medium, provided that proper credit is given to both the source and the authors. This approach not only supports the academic community's engagement with the Varieties of Political Regimes project but also reinforces the Institute's dedication to fostering a deeper understanding of political regimes within the framework of intellectual property rights and trademark laws.